Growth Direction: The Self-Tender

As the People-Caretaker, you may find yourself…

  • Seeking to create or maintain connection by trying to “do” everything for everyone all the time, even at the cost of your own energy or responsibilities.

  • Feeling so guilty or anxious when you prioritize your own care, that you end up putting those needs aside altogether, and take on a task someone else needs doing in order to soothe those feelings.

  • Ruminating silently in resentment, loneliness or exhaustion, yet still continuing to give because you fear what will happen in your relationships, in your home or on the job if you stop taking care of things that need doing.

  • Brushing off help, judging how others perform a task or feeling uncomfortable when others try to care for you, which then blocks you from receiving the care, support or nurturance you crave in return.

  • Blaming others for your burnout and frustration, yet feeling trapped in the cycle of caretaking because you’ve internalized “this is what you do when you love people” and “this is how responsible/caring/mature people act.”

  • Convincing yourself that others won’t stick around if they don’t NEED you, thus locking you into a dynamic where you need prove all the ways you are valuable to them.

And, yet, it’s those who begin their journey out of People-Caretaking that begin to embody something open and flexible and relaxed:

Who is always in process to becoming more:

Congruent. Warm. Resourced. Intentional. Connected. Human.

The Self-Tender

The People-Caretaker/Self-Tender Journey

As The People-Caretaker, you are here to step into your full self-tenderness, while cultivating grounded boundaries around your energy and relationships that honor the reciprocity of both mutual & independent care, modelling for you what it means to be nurtured through tending to your own needs, and allowing yourself to prioritize your own care.

As you transform into a deepening version of The Self-Tender, you’ll begin to channel your warmth and integral energy into care-affirming nurturance of yourself first, which in turn allows you to be intentional about using your unique gifts to contribute to others from a place of over-flow and choice, rather than burning out in your compulsive attempts to be available to whatever needs doing in order to avoid feeling guilty.

This journey enables you to shift into profound alignment with your most natural needs & radiance, embracing your inherent value beyond what you can do for others, and impacting those around you through the clarity of your boundaries and the inspiration of your self-fulfillment.

The Self-Tender embodies a profound journey of The People-Caretaker to a place of self-attended living.

In the codependent phase, you may find yourself feeling guilty for not doing enough, doing it perfectly, and doing it soon, and jumping into take things on in order to self soothe and stay needed as a way to secure ongoing connection. Unfortunately, in that process, both/all people end up neglecting the growth of being responsible for their individual needs and actions, and the mutual reciprocity and respect that is built when we ask for and receive help. Instead, this cycle leads to your own chronic depletion, simmering resentment, and a lingering sense that taking care of yourself first might rupture both your identity and relationships.

When defaulting into the People-Caretaker, you may often, unknowingly or compulsively, take over another person’s tasks, care or responsibilities, leading you to chronically tend to everyone but yourself. This self-bypassing can manifest into a vitality-depleted, urgent existence, where your personal nourishment, truth and energy are sacrificed at the altar of external perfection and the validation of being indispensable.

The People-Caretaker is a learned archetype that exists in the mind, body, heart, and spirit. While you will have your own unique history and experiences that “taught” you this relational safety strategy, it most likely included having your needs, care and personal truth met with guilting, shame or a bid to suppress them by a caregiver or early relationship/experience of some kind. You may have learned that care was conditional on importance, and that those deemed “more important” were to be cared for and helped by you, while your needs went unnoticed. Over time, you may have come to believe that the path to being valued (or cared for in return) was to be “the helper”, treating other’s like their care was highly important, even more important than your own well-being or health.

As The People-Caretaker, you may have learned to take over the labor of others or the home/workplace/etc. Obedience to this forced and urgent care-taking of someone’s else’s responsibilities or needs came at the price of creating relationships and spaces that were reciprocal in care while allowing you space to pour energy into yourself. In this way, suppressing your intrinsic care needs felt safer than taking action on behalf of yourself, and risk being unneeded, perceived as selfish or rupture the relationship.

The reward for adhering to The People-Caretaker archetype? Feeling needed and so, important, to your romantic partner, friends, co-workers or family because of the work you do.

Transformation into The Self-Tender occurs when you move towards developing a consistent, day-to-day practice of noticing and prioritizing your own care, needs, and vitality, while building resilience to navigate relationships based on true reciprocity, rather than overextension… despite how other’s feel about not being caretaken.

Instead of exhausting yourself in endless labor, you learn to recognize and honor your wellbeing and health, tending to your own energy levels and desires, set proactive boundaries that protect your vitality, and learn to hold yourself back when the urge to take-on what’s not yours arises in you.

By shifting your focus back towards yourself and nurturing your right to align your labor towards your own responsibilities, needs and care, The Self-Tender transcends this conditioned safety pattern of self-depletion.

Instead, you begin to alchemize your urgency into intentional self-care and personal nurturance, actively making deliberate choices about where you extend your energy, even when other’s leave things undone - rather than overworking yourself to soothe others.

Daily practices that reconnect you to caretaking your own needs, and small, deliberate steps toward leaning into being present over laboring in your relationships, become a crucial pathway to your evolution.

The Self-Tender:

Embodies the birthright to be cared for while moving through life.

Is warm and present, a breathing lighthouse.

Has an innate communion with the mind

Treasures depth self exploration & abundance.

Is here to: be a model for loving while staying in full vitality.

Needs people who are both resourcefully responsible and insightful conversationalists.

You are never 100% just one thing.