If we’ve never witnessed healthy models in real time uphold their limits, opt out, and say no, it may stop us in our tracks when we are trying to create more space and less resentment by noticing our limits and honoring them with love.
Scripts are simply a tool I began to use as a life-line to ease out of my usual reactive responses, by having a script proactively available when I went into my usual freeze state.
When I was begin faced with having to set a boundary or communicate that I did not want to be involved in the conversation, the task or the situation, I created or pulled out one of my “automated messages”, as I used to call them to myself. Meaning, I would intentionally plan that when they said this, all I had to do was simply say the pre-recorded message.
Now, I am taking my years of finding real and conversational models of how to opt out, and offering up 50 Scripts to you to use and re-write to fit your life and authentic voice.
Use them to uphold your limits, shore up your spaciousness, make room for your needs, exit or opt out of situations that lead to resentment, or simply to set a simple, self-held boundary with a loved one.